1 ladies event, 3 birthday parties, 1 shower and bible study today. Oh and still finding time to scrapbook. I'm working on (Shhh) a thank you album. Slowly but surely. You can check it out on flickr - enter alijoy under the search for people!
This was a cool exercise - we were given a bag of m&m's and instructed to take any number from 1-5. After that we were geven a sheet with each colour listed and something to share with the ladies in our group.
Red - share a fond memory
Blue - shar a quality you appreciate in a friend
Green - share your most wonderful vacation you've had or dream of taking
Yellow - If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things/people would you bring and why
Brown - tell us a hobby or an interest you have
Orange - wild candy - please share anything you like