This little sweetie pie did A-MA-ZING today! We went to the hopsital for 7am (no food or water since midnight - well 8pm really), got prepped and had surgery for her strabizmus shortly after 8am. I was called in to see her around 10:30am where I found a very sleepy, sad, and upset little girl with a very "stingy" right eye. She was not a happy camper and I don't blame her. Alternating between trying to sing to her, let her listen to the ipod, snuggle (on a regular chair), give her juice (which she didn't want), give her popsicles (which she did want), I kept her soothed as much as possible. It was a drastically different experince from when she was 10 months old and couldn't tell us much. But she really was a trooper. Here we are at home, resting with a cold compress and examining her "third nipple" as we called it. Poor kid. Here's to a quick recovery!
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